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Heesung Chemical in acts ethical behavior guidelines for realization
of the code of ethics. This ethical behavioral guideline is a guideline
for detailed execution of code of ethics and it defines the standard of
ethical behavior of employees. All employees must abide to this ethica
l behavioral guideline in decision-making and behavior during task


※ Purpose

In relation to execution of the code of ethics, the purpose is to define bribes, convenience chantage related detailed matters and SNS use and other information protection related requirements.

※ Definition of terms

- Bribes: Cash, vouchers, securities, goods (gifts) and other economic benefits
- Unfair service: Meals, drinks, sports (golf), benefits such as entertainment
- Unfair convenience: causing of financial loss for the convenience of the receiving party
Through accommodation, transportation provision, tourist information, events support other than unfair service and bribes.
- Bribe reception: The behavior receiving bribes, services, convenience, gifts without payment
- Affiliates: Denotes all persons, corporations, and other organizations that are in treating relationships with Heesung Chemical.

※ Task performance ethical basis

- Prohibition of unfair financial profit reception One must not receive bribes, services, convenience, or gifts provided by affiliates.
- Prohibition of unfair behavior using job title and position
①Reception of convenience provision However, this excludes convenience provided to all participants of related event
②Behavior of using affiliates for financial profit such as personal debt payment or loan guarantees
③Behavior of receiving loans, rent, or mortgage, purchasing of real estate under the value of common sense

※ Reception behaviors through persons such as family

Reception behavior through family, friends, and colleagues relating to bribes, service, and convenience is considered to be the behavior of the corresponding task representative.

※ Processing of reception of bribes, services, convenience, and gifts

- If bribes, services, convenience, or gifts are received unavoidably, it must be reported to the representative team leader by writing the ‘bribes, services reception reporting form’ and the representative team leader instructs processing and reports to the position management enforcement office.
- When unfair behavior of other employees is detected, it should be reported to the enforcement office through ‘bribes, services reception reporting form’ and the enforcement office guarantees anonymity and privacy of the reporter and takes the most appropriate measures for the protection of the reporter.
- The reported bribes and gifts are returned or used in social contribution activity.

※ SNS use and information protection behavior guideline

- Without approval, all internal secure information related to the company is not to be exposed and all company related events, information, and rumors not officially posted by the company should not be mentioned through any channels such as SNS.
- There must be no slandering of customers, shareholders, suppliers, competitors, or colleagues and company related contents must not be argued or dealt and confrontational manner on SNS. 
- Profanities, racism, sexism, grotesque, and pretty graphic content that can defame the company or others must not be posted on SNS or email.
- Use of illegal software is prohibited by principle and usage may be approved through information related department when required.
- On SNS, personal opinions must be clearly outlined as personal opinion that does not represent the company.
- Email use for personal use is prohibited and personal PCs cannot be used during work hours for purposes other than the task at hand.
- Unauthorized use of company mission, logo, and brand image, or other intellectual property is prohibited.
- Company related information should not be distorted or mutilated and unfair profit through internal information is prohibited.
- Information evaluated to be important to company management or important customer opinion and media cover requests obtained from social media activity should be immediately reported to the related department according to procedure.